Sustainability Committee

The City of Portsmouth Sustainability Committee believes it is urgent for the community to take transformational action now to safeguard our planet. Recent actions include:

  • In 2022, the Committee initiated a request to the City for a climate action plan. This plan would aim to reduce the use of non-renewable energy citywide, reducing greenhouse gases, and to increase the City’s resilience to adapt to the effects of climate change such as storm surges, flooding, and extreme heat.
  • The climate action plan, Portsmouth’s Climate Future, was adopted by City Council in August of 2024 and will guide all future city actions.

The Committee has played a role in a number of actions that reflect the increasing priority the City has given to climate change and the environment:

  • In 2023, the City Council adopted an ordinance that elevated the standing of the Committee. Previously a Mayor’s Blue Ribbon Committee on Sustainable Practices; the committee was upgraded to a standing committee through an ordinance adopted by the council.
  • In 2023, the Portsmouth City Council adopted the Portsmouth Community Power Plan, which gave residents and businesses renewable energy choices. This work was spearheaded by the Energy Advisory Committee, with advocacy from the Sustainability Committee.
  • The Committee continues to work closely with various groups such as Portsmouth Climate Action, Seacoast Area Bicycle Riders, and Seacoast Climate Action Now to hold events such as community climate conversations, an annual sustainability fair, and an annual electric vehicle expo.
  • Recommendations from the Committee’s Green Buildings Workgroup were adopted by the City and increase the use of energy efficient technology and more sustainable practices for all new municipal construction as well as substantial renovations.

Following the roles outlined in the 2023 City Ordinance, the Sustainability Committee will provide guidance to the City Council, the City Manager, and City Boards about

  • Implementing the city’s Climate Action Plan.
  • Achieving Portsmouth's Renewable Energy Policy and reaching net zero.
  • Increasing energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and taking measures to build resilience against climate change.
  • Increasing awareness of sustainable practices among residents, businesses, visitors, municipal staff, and other stakeholders.
  • Standing for environmental justice while protecting our eco-systems.

Committee Membership

NAME: Bert CohenAPPOINTMENT DATE: 12/4/2023TERM END DATE: 12/4/2026
NAME: Josh Denton, Council RepresentativeAPPOINTMENT DATE: 1/1/2024TERM END DATE: 12/31/2025
NAME: Nancy Novelline Clayburgh, School Board RepresentativeAPPOINTMENT DATE: 1/1/2024TERM END DATE: 12/31/2025
NAME: Portsmouth High School Eco Club MembersAPPOINTMENT DATE: RotatingTERM END DATE: Rotating
NAME: Bill LyonsAPPOINTMENT DATE: 12/4/2023TERM END DATE: 12/4/2026
NAME: Chas SullivanAPPOINTMENT DATE: 12/4/2023TERM END DATE: 12/4/2026
NAME: Effie Malley (Co-Chair)APPOINTMENT DATE: 12/4/2023TERM END DATE: 12/4/2026
NAME: Jessica Blasko (Co-Chair)APPOINTMENT DATE: 12/4/2023TERM END DATE: 12/4/2026
NAME: Torey BrooksAPPOINTMENT DATE: 12/4/2023TERM END DATE: 12/4/2026
NAME: Colleen SpearAPPOINTMENT DATE: 12/2/2024TERM END DATE: 10/1/2027
NAME: Maxson WardAPPOINTMENT DATE: 12/2/2024TERM END DATE: 10/1/2027
NAME: Frederick CalcinariAPPOINTMENT DATE: 1/21/2025TERM END DATE: 1/1/2027
NAME: Rhianne TallaricoAPPOINTMENT DATE: 1/21/2025TERM END DATE: 1/1/2027
NAME: Dept. of Public Works RepresentativeAPPOINTMENT DATE: N/ATERM END DATE: N/A

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