Meet Your City Council

City Council 2024 and 2025


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The City Council is the governing body of the City of Portsmouth and as such is the policy-making entity of the City, except where otherwise expressed in the City Charter. The City Council consists of nine (9) councilors elected at large for terms of two (2) years.

City Council Goals

Enhance the supply of housing choices, especially the supply of below-market rate housing options.

  • Leverage the resources available via the City’s successful participation in the InvestNH Housing Navigator program (one of six cities in NH chosen);
  • Capitalize on the creation of the Housing Blue Ribbon Committee to establish tangible goals and early wins for affordable and workforce housing; and
  • Continue to investigate and implement zoning changes to facilitate the development of housing – particularly below-market housing.

Integrate sustainability, resilience, and climate change mitigation actions throughout City government and community. 

  • Encourage, support, and promote completion of Climate Action Plan implementation items. Actions to include both the municipal side and the community at large;
  • Identify potential changes to municipal zoning and permitting to support sustainability and resiliency; and
  • Train and support community leaders.

Invite and engage the entire community, especially those traditionally unreached, to increase participation and transparency in government.

  • Bring City Hall (Council, City staff) to neighborhoods, including Portsmouth Housing Authority properties and condo/apartment associations;
  • Encourage new voices, conduct survey on engagement opportunities, re-envision public dialogue with City Councilors; and
  • Meet residents where they are!

Support the needs of residents, businesses, nonprofits, arts and cultural institutions by leveraging City and local resources.

  • Encourage, support, and promote implementation items from the Cultural Plan, Public Art Review Committee and initiatives spearheaded by the Arts & Cultural Commission; and
  • Support recommendations from the Economic Development Commission relative to economic resilience and small business development and retention.

Explore opportunities to support all modes of transportation options.

  • Investigate feasibility of a long-discussed downtown loop shuttle, and ways to encourage optimal movement throughout the City to the benefit of all users and neighborhoods;
  • Continue collaboration with regional transportation partners; 
  • Consider metrics of transportation equity; and 
  • Plan for the future of smart, autonomous, connected vehicles and mobility as a service type, to include potential providers and options.

City Council Meetings


The City Council meetings are broadcast and recorded and below is the latest recorded Broadcast.

If you are looking for a live meeting broadcast please visit the City's YouTube Channel  at or watch it on Comcast's Channel 22.