Public Information Meeting for Maplewood Avenue and Adjacent Areas Project Thursday, June 21st

June 21, 2018

The City of Portsmouth has a utility and roadway reconstruction project that includes the replacement of water mains, improvements to the sewer and drainage system, roadway reconstruction, bike lanes, sidewalks, and curbing for a section of Maplewood Avenue. The City received bids in March and has awarded the construction contract to Sargent Corporation of Stillwater, ME. Sargent is scheduled to begin construction the week of July 9th. The project is anticipated to require two construction seasons to complete. 

The project limits of the construction contract includes Maplewood Avenue from the Woodbury Avenue intersection to the Maplewood Avenue Bridge over the Route 1 Bypass and the adjacent street of Fairview Drive. Additional areas included in the bids as alternates, including the Cutts/Central neighborhood and the Leslie Drive neighborhood, are not included in this construction contract. The results of the bid pricing was such that the City does not have available funding at this time. City Staff will include funding for consideration in the FY20 Capital Improvement Plan for construction of the Cutts/Central and Leslie drive neighborhoods.   

City staff will be hosting a meeting to review the project plans with the public for the Maplewood Avenue and Fairview Drive work at the Department of Public Works, 680 Peverly Hill Road, on Thursday, June 21st at 6:30 p.m. For more information on this project, please visit

Image: Google view of Maplewood Avenue 

Google view of Maplewood Avenue