City receives award from CommuteSMART Seacoast

November 18, 2018

The City of Portsmouth was one of nineteen area organizations that were recognized by CommuteSMART Seacoast for supporting and promoting sustainable commuting for their employees over the previous year. CommuteSMART Seacoast, the regional Transportation Management Association, partners with area employers to help them educate and encourage their employees about commuting options such as taking transit, caropooling, bicycling, walking or teleworking.

Organizations received an award based on a 19-point scoring system that included such items as providing transit schedules on site, giving new hires information about sustainable commuting options, offering preferential parking for carpools, offering on-site bike sharing and bike parking, and designating a point of contact for employee commute questions.

The gold level award was given to the Naval Shipyard and Harbour Light Strategic Marketing. The City earned a silver award, alongside Heinemann Publishing, Hubspot, IAPP, NH DES, Oak Point Associates, Portsmouth High School, Rockingham planning Commission and Strafford Regional Planning Commission. The bronze award went to Coast, Colonial Bicycle, Lonza, Mad*Pow, Medtronic, Pax World, Pease Development Authoriy and TMS Architects.