DPW Hosts Sagamore Ave. Sewer Project Info Meeting with E/One Representative

August 21, 2020

At the August 11 Public Meeting on the Sagamore Ave. Sewer Extension Project, residents asked if the manufacturer of the E/One grinder pump that is proposed for use in this project might offer a presentation on the product and be available for Q&A. The Department of Public Works has scheduled a Public Informational Session with a representative from the E/One grinder pump distributor on Wednesday, August 26 at 6:30 pm. The meeting will be conducted via Zoom.

This meeting includes a short presentation by Henry Albro, a representative from F.R. Mahony, the local distributor of the Environment One (
E/One) grinder pump system. Residents of the Sagamore Avenue area are invited to bring questions regarding the E/One pump system for the representative and City staff to answer.

For the Zoom registration information,
click here. This meeting will also be broadcast on the City’s YouTube Channel and posted on the City website for later viewing. https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0odOGprjMoGNabah7Krh10ZQ3Non7mIviv

For more information about the Sagamore Ave. Sewer Extension Project, visit https://www.cityofportsmouth.com/publicworks/sagamore-ave-sewer-extension-project