Brendan Sullivan

CTE Business Program

Years in CTE related Industry: 12

Teaching Since: 2022

Bridgewater State University; BA in Communication Studies
University of Southern Maine; MS in Education

Notable career achievements in industry or education:
Being hired as a Business Teacher at PHS.

Why did you choose to become a teacher?
Teaching has always been my dream job. I come from a family of educators, so I have always been around it. Some of my most rewarding experiences in life have been coaching and tutoring, so I took time during the pandemic to get my MS in Education. I was looking for a more fulfilling professional experience and found it.

How does your program best prepare students for life and career success?
Our program allows students to see and interact with real-world experiences. Our industry expertise and years of industry work allow students to get as close as they can to the real thing. In business, we work with stock market simulations, email and social media marketing, business plans, franchising, branding, and much more. 

The best thing about CTE is?
The people, hands down. The students are engaged and excited to learn about industry experiences. I'm so excited to be part of a program that offers students college credits before they graduate--that's such an incredible opportunity. My colleagues are supportive and true experts in their respective fields. It's an exciting environment.

How is Portsmouth HS-CTC different from other schools?
This is the only school I have worked in, but I can tell there is something special about this place. It's a progressive and forward-thinking educational environment that pushes students to be curious and explore topics further. 

Who is the person behind the educator?
I love dogs, traveling, cooking, comedy and horror movies, trying new foods, tennis, puzzles, board/video games, trivia, and spending time with family and friends. I studied abroad in Australia, where I went surfing, bungee jumping, fed dolphins, and held a koala bear. 

If you could give students one piece of advice to help them grow into the happy, successful individuals that we hope they all become, what would it be?
Be a curious learner and practice soft skills.  Take advantage of all of the opportunities offered to you. 

If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
Flight! I'd commute from the mountains to work.

If you could meet any one person (dead or alive), to have coffee and conversation with, who would it be and why?
My maternal grandfather. I never got to meet him, and would love to sit down for a chat. 

Words of wisdom?
Travel far and often! If you don't like it, come back!

Check out the Business Program here