Portsmouth Schools Meal Charging Policy
The Portsmouth School Department recognizes the importance of good nutrition and wants to take all reasonable steps to make sure students have access to school meals. These steps include providing access to applications for Free and Reduced Lunch for those families who qualify. Application forms will be sent home at the beginning of each school year, posted on the School Department website and available from the building Principal’s office.
All students who do not qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch are expected to pay for school meals at the time of purchase. The School Department recognizes that there may be times when a student has forgotten their lunch money, or inadvertently failed to keep a positive balance in their account. Parents or guardians will be contacted by the school by note, e-mail, telephone call or letter when their student’s account goes into the negative.
The Office of the Superintendent shall develop procedures in connection with the School Nutrition Program and the Business Office of the School Department.
Elementary School: When a student’s account becomes negative, or a student has forgotten their lunch money, meal charging will be allowed contingent upon a payment plan.
Middle School: Students at the Middle School are not permitted to charge a la carte items.
High School: Students at the High School are not permitted to charge meals nor is charging permitted for a la carte items.
The parent or guardian of all accounts with a negative account will receive an e-mail on Wednesdays informing them of the amount due on the account. Arrangements can be made at the individual schools to bring the account current. If a family is having financial difficulty in bringing the account balance they will be assisted in applying for Free and Reduced Lunch or in making acceptable payment arrangements. In addition, the Portsmouth School Department Business Office is open from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday and from 7:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Fridays. Payments can be made by mail payable to Portsmouth Food Services, 1 Junkins Ave, 4th Floor, Portsmouth, NH 03801.
Applications for Free and Reduced School Lunch can be submitted to the cafeteria at any time during the school year. School personnel are available to assist anyone in filling out the application for Free and Reduced School Lunch. Any balance owed prior to being determined eligible will remain the responsibility of the parent or guardian unless otherwise determined by the Superintendent.
The Portsmouth School Department offers parents an online payment option. The website is myschoolbucks.com and the information can be found on the School Department website. Payments may also be made by checks made out to the Portsmouth Nutrition Department.
Revised and Reapproved by Portsmouth School Board: June 11, 2019
Approved by Portsmouth School Board: August 12, 2014