DPW Press Releases


City Awarding Contract to Upgrade Downtown Maplewood Avenue Traffic Signal System

February 24, 2020

Portsmouth, New Hampshire – The City of Portsmouth Department of Public Works has reviewed bids and is awarding a contract to Electric Light Company of York, Maine for the upgrade of the traffic signals at three intersections along Maplewood Avenue at Deer Street, Hanover Street and Congress Street. The Parking & Traffic Safety (PTS) Committee recommended the changes in December 2019. The changes will upgrade the signals to provide concurrent pedestrian phasing to deliver the following benefits:


Portsmouth Water Division Hosts Visitors from New York City Water Treatment and Engineering Groups

February 3, 2020

Portsmouth, New Hampshire – The City of Portsmouth Water Division recently hosted ten members of New York City’s Water Treatment Operations and Engineering groups for a tour and discussion of the City’s Madbury surface water treatment facility. In addition to touring the facility the group discussed the City’s management of the Bellamy reservoir and the Madbury Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) surface water treatment facility. 


City issues Water Supply Status Report for 2019

January 24, 2020

The City’s Department of Public Works has published its annual Portsmouth and Pease International Tradeport Supply Status Report for 2019. The report provides a summary of the water system operations for the Portsmouth and Pease International Tradeport drinking water systems.