DPW Press Releases


June 2019 Water Supply Status Report

June 3, 2019

Despite the cool and wet weather pattern we have been experiencing in Southern New Hampshire, this area continues to have below normal precipitation. Precipitation since December 2018 is only 65% of normal. However, the cooler weather has resulted in lower than normal irrigation and water demands in our system.


Public tour of the Peirce Island Wastewater Treatment Facility on Thursday, June 13th

May 28, 2019

Guided public tours of the Peirce Island Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) construction site will be conducted on Thursday, June 13, 2019 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. City staff, along with others involved in the construction of the Peirce Island WWTF upgrade project, will be guiding interested parties through the construction site to provide an opportunity to observe the status of the ongoing construction.


May 2019 Portsmouth Water System PFC Sampling Update

May 28, 2019

The City of Portsmouth’s water supply staff continue to monitor all of our public water supply sources for Perfluorinated compounds (PFAS) every six months. The following report details the most recent analysis of the Portsmouth supply sources taken in April 2019.


Permeable surface material being fitted to trees in Market Square

May 22, 2019

Public Works crews are currently placing new, permeable surface material around trees in front of the new Tuscan Market as well as the North Church. The permeable surface around this tree is made from recycled materials. The surface is highly porous, allowing approximately 5,800 to 6,300 gallons of water to pass through per hour, per square foot. This greatly reduces water runoff, and allows the trees to uptake more water throughout the year. This material also minimizes compaction in the root zone of the tree, and does not allow trash to pass through.


Household Hazardous Waste Day is Saturday, May 18th

May 18, 2019

Bring the household hazardous waste products a to the Department of Public Works facility at 680 Peverly Hill Road for safe disposal between 8 a.m. and noon. Residents must show proof of residency. NO LATEX PAINT will be accepted at this collection event.


Construction of Middle Street sidewalks beginning week of May 6th

May 6, 2019

The Spinney Road sidewalks are now complete, and crews are beginning work on Middle Street the week of May 6th. As part of this project the City is also replacing the sidewalks on Middle Street from Aldrich Road to Willard Ave. The existing sidewalk will be replaced with a concrete surface.  


Public Works announces changes to yard waste collection

May 1, 2019

Due to new protocols made by the City’s vendor, Public Works is asking the community to adjust how they organize brush and yard waste for collection. Moving forward, sticks and brush should be tied and organized separately from bagged leaves (yard waste). Residents will notice that Public Works crews will first collect yard waste, and then do a return route to collect the curbside tied brush. Public Works appreciates your cooperation!