Carla Frank

CTE Careers in Education Instructor

Carla Frank: Careers in Education (CIE) Instructor

Carla began her career at Portsmouth High School as the Little Clipper Preschool teacher.  She was the preschool teacher for 9 years and enjoyed every minute of it.  When the previous Education teacher retired 10 years ago she stepped into her position. For the past 10 years, she has had the pleasure of teaching the theory of Education to high school students and enjoyed watching them grow through the hands-on experiences they receive from working in the lab school and their fieldwork sites. Carla has enjoyed seeing the program grow and change over the years and looks forward to that continuing for many years to come. She has two Master's degrees, one in Early Childhood Education with Special Needs from UNH and another in Curriculum Design and Instruction from New England College. Carla truly enjoys interacting with young children and especially enjoys sharing her knowledge of teaching with high school students. Carla's family consists of her wonderful husband who is a great support, and her son Aaron.

Check out the Careers in Education Program here.