Nicole Bellabona

College & Career Readiness/ELO Coordinator/Clipper Careers

Nicole R. Bellabona, M.Ed., GCDF Nicole strongly believes in the power of applied learning experiences, the importance of career readiness, and the need to imbed 21st Century skill and competency attainment into the K-12 curriculum to inform student future pathway decision-making.  Her experience spans over the past 25 years in a variety of roles that include teaching, academic advising, facilitating work based (WBL) and extended learning opportunities (ELO), and connecting with the employment community with a focus on STEM workforce development.  Nicole received her M.Ed. from UNH and Graduate Certification in Training and Development/Human Resources from SNHU.  Over her time in education, she has held positions directing Career Services at the college level at both UNH and SNHU and was part of the Career Development Bureau team at the NH Department of Education helping to support Career and Technical Education (CTE) statewide.  As the nonprofit Director of the Young Inventors Program’s New England region for the Academy of Applied Science, she supported student inventors in their efforts to compete at the National Invention Convention.  Currently, she is at SAU 52 supporting Career and College Readiness at Portsmouth High School on both the CTE team and in partnership with the School Counseling Office to help students explore career interests and facilitate workforce, CCSNH and community connections that will expand learning opportunities for students.  She also facilitates the program teacher lead group statewide for CTE which is an effort to provide impactful, industry-relevant professional development for all CTE Program cluster teachers.  For her full bio on linkedin

Years Teaching: 25+

UNH (Double major: English, Theatre Performance)
UNH (M.Ed., Secondary Education) and SNHU (Graduate Certificate in Training & Development/Human Resources)

Why did you choose to become a teacher?
I believe in the positive impact that building an educated citizenry has on the world.

The best thing about CTE is?
It makes you apply what you know in a real hands-on, applied context and it readily connects to career exploration and impacts future pathways decisions for students.

How is Portsmouth HS-CTC different from other schools?
We have the best teachers and they love their program content and teaching it to the next generation.  

Who is the person behind the educator?
I like work way too much, but I also love to be at York Beach (Long Sands) with my amazingly funny husband Dan & my family!  I also like watching my sons' rock band-- “The Big Sun” perform because my boys are talented musicians and I’m proud of them.  I also like running, reading, laughing, cooking Italian food, and being sarcastic but positive. I consider myself an EduHacker because I like teaching and learning delivered in non-traditional ways.

If you could give students one piece of advice to help them grow into the happy, successful individuals that we hope they all become, what would it be?
Put yourself out there and do the things you are afraid of because the only way you grow is to get out of your comfort zone.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
Endless access to time in the day.

If you could meet any one person (dead or alive), to have coffee and conversation with, who would it be and why?
Bobby Kennedy because I think he was the real deal.

Words of wisdom?
Don't...stop... believing!!


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