City Clerk Opens Voting Center in City Hall Council Chambers
August 24, 2020
The Absentee Ballot process is now open for the Fall 2020 Election Season and Absentee Ballots are now available for the September 8 NH Primary election from the Portsmouth City Clerk.
To assist residents with what is expected to be high demand for absentee voting due to COVID-19, the City Clerk’s Office has set up a Voting Center in Council Chambers at City Hall. The Voting Center opens Tuesday, August 25 and will be open during regular City Hall hours (Mon, 8 am – 6 pm; Tues-Thurs, 8 am – 4:30 pm; Fri, 8 am – 1 pm) from now through November 2.
Residents can visit the Voting Center to:
· Register to vote
· Complete an application for absentee ballots (check the box on the application to receive absentee ballots for both the September 8 NH Primary and the November 3 General Election).
· Receive and complete an absentee ballot for the NH Primary.
· When they are available – late September/early October – receive and complete an absentee ballot for the General Election.
There are four simple steps to vote by absentee ballot in the September 8 NH Primary and/or the November 3 General Election:
1. Make sure you are registered to vote.
2. Determine your eligibility to vote absentee.
3. Complete and return an application for Absentee Ballot(s) (one application form may be used for both the Primary and General Election).
4. Complete and return the Absentee Ballot (now available for the September 8 primary).
NH Secretary of State Bill Gardner has created a brochure explaining the requirements to register to vote and cast an absentee ballot in New Hampshire.
For more details about voting in Portsmouth, click here.