Genealogy Workshop: Research Huddle, Sunday April 16

April 16, 2023

Join us at the library in the Special Collections Room and be part of our Research Huddle! In sports, a huddle is when the players gather in a circle to strategize, motivate, or celebrate. We think genealogists should do the same!

This is the perfect opportunity to dig into your personal history and tell your family’s story. Use the library’s print collections and research databases to progress with your fact-finding. We’ll gather to use library resources, share our successes, learn from fellow researchers, and overcome our research stumbling blocks!

The huddles will be held throughout the year, every other month, beginning in February, in the Special Collections Room. Bring your research, questions, and willingness to help others! We will be offering our usual genealogy lectures in alternating months. 

No registration is required. All ages and experience levels are welcome.

Tree of life Genealogy Workshop Research Huddle