Did you know...
Portsmouth Public Library offers free digital downloads and streaming of eBooks, audiobooks, e- magazines, and documentary and children's progamming and much more. All you need is your library card.
Click HERE for a complete list of our digital services and how-to guides. Or call us for more help!
Hoopla offers download/streaming music, movies, ebooks, audiobooks, and comics. We love the vibrant format of the graphic novels, and great offering of children's resources.
Libby for Overdrive allows you to download ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines. Quality youth, teen and adult books all in one place.
Stream films, Great Courses content, and children's programming.
Arts and Crafts classes for all skill levels. Class topics include: Art and Design, Knitting and Crochet, Sewing and Quilting, Papercrafts, Jewelry Making, Food and Home Decor, Holiday and Party Ideas, and Crafts for Kids
Combining robust courses, supplemental vocabulary, and grammar resources, Transparent Language Online is a complete language learning system. Mobile apps available for iOS and Android.
KidSpeak supported languages for ages 6 and up: Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. 100+ other languages offered for adult and teen learners!