Women Pirates from Around the World, Wednesday July 26

June 29, 2023

With the Tall Ships in port this month, you won’t want to miss this presentation and performance by Carol Busby featuring 5 historical women pirates from both near and far!

You will hear about Anne Bonney who operated in the Caribbean in the early 1700s and was sentenced to be hanged, as well as her compatriot, Mary Read who lived life as a male soldier and sailor. Grace O'Malley was an Irish pirate in the late 1500s who met with Queen Elizabeth I. Zheng Yi Sao was a woman Chinese pirate during the late 1700s and early 1800s. And, Rachel Wall was a Bostonian who pirated at the Isles of Shoals in the late 1700s.

Carol wrote a fictional book based on the real-life of Anne Bonney called Sailing Against the Tide. Copies of the book will be available for sale after the event. During the presentation, Carol will dress in costume and tell the stories of these marauding sea wolves. 

Registration is not required. Light refreshments will be served. 

About the Author/Performer
Carol Busby is from Sandown, NH, and spent a considerable amount of time researching women pirates before writing her book. The women pirates inspired her performance and book. Carol has a BA and MA in English, as well as a JD. She teaches English to Chinese students, as well as having taught college courses in writing, reading, trademarks, and copyright law.


pirate ship