Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Monday Nov 13

November 13, 2023

You've seen the headlines and read the news- artificial intelligence, or AI, is here to stay. Thinking of computer systems performing tasks, making decisions, and processing speech sounds like science fiction, yet this technology is already creating seismic shifts in daily life for many. But what exactly is AI? How was it developed? And how does it work? 

Join us for a free presentation about artificial intelligence by UNH Professor of Computer Science Wheeler Ruml. Professor Ruml will provide information about what it is, what it can do, and how it works in our lives.  Bring your questions, there will be time for Q&A! 

Registration is required. 

About the Presenter
Wheeler Ruml is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of NH, co-founder of the International Symposium on Combinatorial Search, a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, a Senior Member of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, and a former Associate Editor of the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. His research papers have been cited almost 7,000 times. He received his PhD from Harvard in 2022 and the UNH Outstanding Assistant Professor Award in 2012. Before joining UNH, he led a team at Xerox's PARC lab that used AI planning techniques to build the world's fastest printer. 
