Water News


Portsmouth Water Division Releases September 2017 Water Supply Status Report

September 14, 2017

Every month, the Portsmouth Water Division issues a Water Supply Status Report to customers that provides a detailed assessment of the current water supply conditions. The September report details that while precipitation is still slightly low based on seasonal averages, the groundwater levels, reservoir levels and river flow rates are within typical ranges for this time of year. Therefore, no water use restrictions are being enforced at this time.


Leak Adjustment Application

July 1, 2017

The City of Portsmouth offers consideration for a one time sewer adjustment to customers based on unusual water consumption at their property. As sewer charges are based on the water consumption, any adjustment approved would only be applied to the sewer portion of the customer's account.


Portsmouth Water Division Releases Annual Drinking Water Quality Reports

June 26, 2017

Each year, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires community water systems to deliver a Consumer Confidence Report – also known as an Annual Drinking Water Quality Report – to their customers. These reports, which are mailed out to water customers by July 1st, provide information about their drinking water quality including a summary of detected contaminants from the previous year, compliance, and educational information.


Save Water for Earth Day 2016

April 20, 2016

This April 22nd marks the 46th anniversary of Earth Day, and what better way to celebrate than saving water in the great outdoors? You can get started with some of the outdoor water-saving tips below while you reconnect with nature and give back to the earth by saving water in your lawn or garden this spring.


What to do if you have Discolored Water

March 1, 2016

Discolored water results when water traveling through the water mains reaches high enough velocities to stir the sediment lying in the bottom of the water mains. Water main breaks, fire fighting activities, and extremely high system demand are typical causes of discolored water.


Protecting Your Pipes During Winter

December 1, 2015

The Winter of 2015 was very cold for an extended period of time and this resulted in numerous water customer freeze-ups. In anticipation of another cold, snowy winter, the City of Portsmouth’s water and sewer billing department is sending this notice out to help our customers prepare