
Water Mains Across Little Bay

This project consists of design and construction of a new water transmission main beneath Little Bay to provide redundancy for the two existing water mains that have been in place for nearly seventy years. Investigations have identified degraded conditions of the existing water mains and non-operating valves on both sides of the bay where the waterline splits. Due to the importance of this water main, this project is necessary to ensure water is continuously supplied from Madbury to Portsmouth and service is not disrupted.

Status: In design and permitting. Bidding for the waterline installation in 2023 yielded one very high price, which was not accepted. The project has since been split into two phases – the first phase involved the installation of new valves on the existing mains on either side of the bay. This phase of the project was completed in mid-2024. These new valves allow either of the transmission mains to be closed in an emergency. 

The plan for installing a new transmission main is currently being revised in response to permit requirements and modifications to acceptable construction methods. When revised plans are completed and permits are finalized an opinion of cost will be provided. Additional funding will be needed to complete the construction of the new main.

Project Manager: Al Pratt, P.E. Water Resource Manager 603.766.1538

Start Date: Design: 2020

Estimated Time of Completion: TBD

Estimated Cost: Engineering & Design: $7,945,000 (July 2021 cost estimate)

Funding Source: Capital Improvement Funds and $600,000 EPA Community Grant Funding

Designer/Contractor: Wright-Pierce/TBD

 For more information go to the project website.


Collins Wellfield Improvement – Collins Well #2

Collins Wellfield Improvement New Groundwater Well

This project resulted from new water supply source investigations. Test wells were drilled in areas around the existing Collins Well to determine the potential for enhancing productions from its associated aquifer. The capacity of the existing Collins Well has declined since it was installed and historical data indicates greater yield potential from this aquifer.

This project will provide an additional well in the Collins Wellfield to provide resilience to this supply source and regain the production capacity of this site to 450 gallons per minute. A pumping test on the new well (Collins Well 2) has been conducted and the consultant has submitted the hydrogeological report to the NHDES as part of the permitting process. Design of the piping and infrastructure will follow.

Status: Collins Well 2 has been installed and permitting is underway

Project Manager: Al Pratt, Water Resource Manager 603.520.0622

Start Date: January 2019

Estimated Time of Completion: TBD

Estimated Cost: $524,000

Funding Source: Capital Improvement Funds

Designer/Contractor: Consultant - Emery & Garrett Groundwater Investigations