Loading Zone Permit Rules & Regulations
- The Loading Zone Permit allows unmarked, non‐commercial vehicles to use Loading Zones in accordance with Article VI of Chapter 7 of the City of Portsmouth ordinances (found above).
- Only vehicles actually engaged in loading or unloading of product, merchandise or equipment may park in a Loading Zone.
- Such vehicles may park at the designated locations for a period not to exceed 30 minutes.
- The permit does not allow a vehicle to park in any other manner than expressly authorized in these rules and regulations. The permit does not allow a vehicle to park in violation of Chapter 7, Vehicles, Traffic Parking of the City Ordinances.
- The permit is not a guarantee that space will be available in Loading Zones.
- The permit is not valid for free parking in metered parking spaces – it is applicable only to Loading Zones.
- The permit may be obtained from the Parking Clerk after submitting the appropriate application and a $250.00 fee. There is no prorated fee for purchase of a permit at times later in the calendar year.
- The Permit shall be valid for the calendar year (January 1 – December 31) in effect at the time of application.
- The permit is non‐transferable, valid for only one vehicle per application.
- The permit shall be displayed on the dashboard of unmarked, non‐commercial vehicles utilizing loading zones. If the permit is not displayed and the vehicle is cited for a loading zone violation, the vehicle’s registered owner shall be responsible for payment of said violation.
- Use of the permit through misrepresentation (i.e. in a vehicle other than indicated on the permit) subjects the user to a fine of $100.00.
- Use of the permit other than at times or manner specifically authorized shall subject the applicant to a fine of $200.00 for each unauthorized use.
Application submission & payment
You may deliver your application to the Parking Clerk’s office at 100 Foundry Place, Portsmouth, NH 03801, Monday, 8:00a -6:00p, Tuesday – Thursday, 8:00a to 4:30p, Friday 8:00a to 1:00p.
Permit Fee is Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00). Please make your check or money order payable to City of Portsmouth and mail to Parking Clerk/Loading Permit, 100 Foundry Place, Portsmouth, NH 03801. If paying in person, credit cards are also accepted.
For further information please contact the Parking Clerk’s Office at (603) 610‐7257
Downtown Loading Zones