Limited spaces left for low-priced monthly parking passes at Foundry Place Garage
October 15, 2018
The Foundry Place Garage on Deer Street is scheduled to be open in late October 2018. Pass holder rates at Foundry Place are just $100 for City of Portsmouth residents, and $125 for non-residents. For a resident monthly parker considering a move from Hanover to Foundry Place, this represents a savings of $900 annually.
The Parking Clerk’s Office continues to take orders from Hanover monthly parkers who are interested in switching to Foundry Place when it opens, as well as logging new monthly pass customers, and availability of monthly passes at Foundry Place is beginning to dwindle.
If you are interested in obtaining a monthly parking pass at the new garage, please do the following at your earliest convenience:
- Current Hanover pass holders and new customers should contact the Parking Clerk’s office at City Hall in person or by telephone at 603-610-7253 to put down a deposit of the first month’s payment to secure your pass.
- Card deposits will transfer from Hanover to the Foundry
- Payments made for parking at Hanover will be applied to your new Foundry account
- Interested parties can also secure a Foundry account by stopping by the Parking Attendant Booth at the Hanover Parking Garage. You will need to provide contact information and a check deposit to secure your space.
Hanover Waitlisters
The wait for a monthly parking pass at Hanover Garage is currently over a year. However, waitlisters can be guaranteed a place in the Foundry Garage as soon as it opens. Securing your space is as simple as a visit to the Parking Clerk’s offices at City Hall, or the Attendant Booth at Hanover Garage!