Spinnaker Point Recreation Center

About Spinnaker Point

Spinnaker Point Recreation Center has many features, including:

  • Full court gymnasium used for a variety of sports and recreation activities.
  • Indoor track that is 1/12 of a mile (12 laps = 1 mile).  The track is a rubberized floor for walking and running.
  • Cardiovascular room with treadmills, lifecycles, ellipticals, recumbent bikes, stationary bicycles, stair machines, adaptive trainers, and rowing machines utilizing wireless TV sound.
  • Separate weight room with machines, free weights, dumbbells and exercise equipment.
  • 50-foot indoor pool with 4 swimming lanes.
  • Hot tub and a steam room on pool deck.
  • Saunas in both men's and women's locker room.
  • Aerobics room for dance, yoga, and exercise.
  • Variety of classes in both aerobic room and multipurpose room.

Spinnaker Point is for adults age 18 and over and out of high school.

Spinnaker Point Pool


Spinnaker Point - Class and Open Gym Schedule



Spinnaker Point - Class and Open Gym Descriptions



Staff Contact


Spinnaker Tread Mills