Project Safety Association
Click Here to Visit the Home Page for the SAU 52 Project Safety Association
Our Mission
The mission of Project Safety Association (PSA) is to expand existing school and community substance abuse, health and safety education by providing high impact measurable prevention programming for youth and families in the New Hampshire Seacoast region.
Our History
PSA was formed as a NH non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation in 2011 following three successful years of the Portsmouth Middle School Project Safety Conference, a substance abuse prevention program for 7th graders and their parents.
Our Impact on the Community
There is no question that our youth face health and safety risks that are more dangerous than ever before. The experimentation with drugs and alcohol starts at a very young age. Binge drinking and availability of prescription drugs have significantly increased the risk of teen drug involvement. The internet and cell phone texting have presented new and increased risks especially to vulnerable youth anxious to keep up with “friends” in the cyber-world. Peer pressure and bullying have taken on a new face with the availability of the Internet and have become increasingly more violent, making these behaviors more threatening than ever. Moreover, recent local events confirm the existence and extreme risks associated with these behaviors. The Project Safety is now in its 7th year providing conferences that have already brought about significant positive attitudinal changes and awareness in students and their families regarding the dangerous and potentially life threatening consequences of substance abuse.
Additional PSA prevention programming will insure that the education regarding substance abuse and its precursor behaviors already conveyed through the Project Safety Conference, will commence in early education and continue throughout secondary education.