Sometimes It Takes a Story

January 7, 2021

12:30 PM

Zoom meeting

Zoom Meeting

Passcode: lunch

Welcome everyone!.  This luncheon series offers an opportunity for us to share our own stories along the general theme of what makes us different from one another, and how embracing difference can make us stronger, as an organization, as employees, and as individuals.   This series was conceived by the City’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Working Group. 

The format will feature a difference speaker each month, who will speak for around 15 minutes, then open the lunch up for discussion.

This month's speaker is: SUZANNE WOODLAND, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY.  Her topic?  "How I stumbled into the fullness of right here, right now: a meditator's journey."

Future lunches (1st Thursdays of the month) need speakers – please contact Deputy City Manager Nancy Colbert Puff to schedule your story!