Americans for the Arts, 6th Arts & Economic Prosperity Study
Greater Portsmouth Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6) Resources for Arts/History/Culture Organizations
Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6) report is a study of the economic and social impact of the arts, being conducted nationally by Americans for the Arts. In the Greater Portsmouth area the study was conducted in partnership with the City of Portsmouth. For this study, Greater Portsmouth includes Portsmouth, Rye, and Kittery, ME.
The data collected allows arts nonprofits and the City of Portsmouth to tell the cultural tourism story. It provides a powerful narrative on how the arts impact the community. It can aid organizations as they fundraise and apply for grants in the future.
The audience‐intercept survey was used to learn about the people who attend arts and cultural performances, events, exhibits, venues, and facilities. It collected critical information about event‐related audience spending on categories such as food and beverages, gifts and souvenirs, local transportation, and lodging. Demographic information was also collected and the survey is anonymous.