Water News


DPW Water Division Notifies Affected Residents of Service Line Inventory Results

November 8, 2024

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) required that all public water suppliers, including the City of Portsmouth submit an inventory of the materials in water service lines by October 16, 2024. These service lines are the pipes that deliver drinking water from the public water mains to customers. The inventory requirement is part of the EPA Lead and Copper Rule Revision.


Portsmouth & Pease Water Systems Drinking Water Status Report

August 5, 2024

The Portsmouth and Pease drinking water systems continue to experience high demand in both systems due to irrigation and cooling system usage. In the last month the combined system demands have averaged 5.4 million gallons a day. Fortunately, water levels in both the City's reservoir and groundwater sources are holding up and system operators are managing the system such that water supplies are meeting these demands.


City Offers Homeowners Free Testing Kits for Lead in Water

July 25, 2024

The City of Portsmouth Health and Water Departments are taking the opportunity to raise awareness of the issue of the risks of lead poisoning by providing the following information and a free lead testing program.

Lead in Water: While the City Water System has no lead in its source waters and tests the water system regularly, as required, to confirm there are no detectable levels of lead in the drinking water in your home, that might come from pipes and fixtures, we recommend a routine water test for lead.


DPW Water Division Seeks Customer Assistance to Identify Material in Private Water Lines

February 6, 2024

In November 2023, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a Lead and Copper Rule Improvement requirement that all water suppliers complete an inventory of the material in all water service lines – the pipes that deliver drinking water from the public water mains into abutting properties. The City of Portsmouth Water Division will visually inspect water service lines where they enter residential and commercial buildings to determine the material type.