Vaughan-Worth-Bridge Strategic Planning Committee to Host Abutter and Business Owner Listening Session

August 29, 2017

The Mayoral Appointed Vaughan-Worth-Bridge Strategic Planning Committee will host a public Listening Session for Abutters and Business Owners on Tuesday August 29, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. at The Music Hall Loft at 131 Congress Street. Abutters and Business Owners impacted by the reuse of the Bridge Street Lot, Worth Lot and Vaughan Mall are encouraged to attend. The Committee’s first listening session was held for the general public in June. Abutters and business owners in the study area who are not able to attend can still participate through other means including an on-line survey as well as an electronic comment form that will forwarded directly to Committee members. More information is available at the Committee’s website:

1. Comment form on Website: At the Committee’s website, members of the public can submit written comments via a web comment form. To do so, visit:

2. Initial Input Survey Tool: Members who wish to submit their input via a survey tool can do so by clicking on the Committee’ Initial Input Survey from on the Committee’s website. 3. Submit files: Members of the public are invited to submit files to the Committee via the “Drop Box” ( Members of the public are encouraged to submit their own drawings, illustrations, images of example streetscapes or other urban design elements or even videos to the Committee. 4. Mark-up Maps: A .pdf file of study area maps has been loaded to the website, which can be printed and marked-up by community members. Members can scan or and submit their marked- up drawings via Drop Box above or send to Portsmouth City Hall attention “Vaughan-Worth- Bridge Strategic Planning Committee”. Additional Background Information The Committee’s charge is to develop options for the future use of City-owned property in these areas and report back to the City Council with strategic recommendations as to how the City can best use its property to revitalize this area in service to the community. The charge also states that topics to be covered should address land use, urban design, public infrastructure, and timing. In April, Mayor Blalock appointed a Strategic Planning Committee for Vaughan-Worth-Bridge Revitalization. Councilor Rebecca Perkins was appointed Chair of the Committee, which will focus on the City-owned parcels known as the Bridge Street lot, Vaughan Mall Lot (formerly Worth Lot) and the Vaughan Mall, as well as the public rights-of way between the future Foundry Place Garage and the Islington Street and Maplewood Avenue Intersection.