City Clerk Accepting Applications for Absentee Ballots

July 27, 2020

City Clerk Kelli Barnaby announces that Absentee Ballots for the upcoming September 8, 2020 State Primary Election and November 3, 2020 General Election are now available. Also, applications are available for download on either the City website or NH Secretary of State’s website.

The City Clerk is also in need of Election workers for both dates. Those interested should call 603-610-7208 or email

Voters are allowed to request an absentee ballot listing COVID-19 as a specific reason to vote by Absentee Ballot for both or either of the upcoming 2020 Elections. Voters may submit the one application to cover absentee balloting for both elections by checking the boxes for both. Return the completed Application (2 pages) to the City Clerk’s Office, by dropping it in the gray “payment box” in the City Hall upper parking lot, by mail or fax (603-610-4158) or by email to To track the status of a submitted application, click here.

The City Clerk is also now accepting voter registrations for the September Primary and November General Elections. Eligible residents not currently registered to vote can visit the City Clerk’s Office in City Hall to register in person. Anyone unable to visit the City Clerk’s office should call 603-610-7208 or email to make arrangements to receive a Voter Registration Packet. For more voter information, click here.