City Launches Market Square Master Plan Initiative and Hosts Public Workshop on April 24, 2024
April 15, 2024
The Planning & Sustainability Department is hosting the first Market Square Master Plan Public Workshop in City Council Chambers on April 24, 2024 at 5:30 pm.
This extensive project will explore and document proposed changes for Market Square with vigorous community input and professional design assistance, to create a plan that forms a foundation for the design of necessary infrastructure upgrades and enhancements to Market Square. The planning process will continue throughout 2024 and inform the upcoming Citywide Master Plan.
The project area includes the public streets and sidewalks at the heart of the City’s historic downtown. The scope includes Market Square itself as well as portions of intersecting streets of Market Street, Daniel Street, Pleasant Street, High Street, Church Street, and Congress Street.
For the first workshop, Project Manager Peter Stith, Managing Planner in the Department, will introduce the planning materials and open the discussion with Project Team members at several interactive Master Plan topic tables with themes including history, design of the public realm, outdoor dining, and transportation. “We invite the public to attend, comment, and share your thoughts on the creation of a Master Plan for Market Square,” said Stith. “We want to hear from you!”
Recognized as one of the “Great Places in America” by the American Planning Association and listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Market Square is part of the Portsmouth Downtown Historic District. First paved in 1762, the Square and three streets originating from it — Market Street, Pleasant Street, and Congress Street — have remained the hub of downtown commerce and community life in the 250 years since.
For more information, visit: or contact Peter Stith, Planning Manager at .