DPW Parks & Greenery Division Plans Reseeding in Goodwin & Haven Park and Continues to Implement Integrated Vegetation Management Plan
May 9, 2024
The Department of Public Works (DPW) Parks & Greenery Division is in full springtime operation. The annual planting of 100 new trees is complete, and the Division now turns its attention to pruning, mowing, and garden maintenance, paying special attention to the lawns in City parks.
Specifically, the Division plans to reseed the grass in Goodwin and Haven Parks starting May 13, 2024 (weather-permitting). DPW asks that dog owners pay close attention to that effort and work to keep their pets off the newly seeded lawns.
DPW has been using organic practices and products for City ballfields, trees, parks, and green spaces. The Department has been using compost tea fertilizers, trimming, mulching, and other techniques to promote a native and healthy ecosystem and environment while maintaining outdoor municipal spaces for their intended use.
DPW Parks & Greenery staff continue to explore alternative methods of weed control and turf management and appreciate the efforts of residents who participate in programs such as Adopt-A-Spot and sidewalk weeding. Recognizing the impact of fertilizer runoff on the City’s drinking water supply, the DPW Water Division encourages homeowners to follow these ten best practices when managing their lawns:
- Discourage pests by decluttering your yard, removing standing water, and open food sources;
- Pull weeds instead of using weed killer;
- Water sparingly and avoid watering in the heat of the day;
- Mow less. Grass four inches tall supports stronger roots and native pollinators;
- Fertilize naturally, leaving nitrogen-rich grass clippings on the lawn;
- Mow over the leaves to add nutrients to the grass and say no to leaf blowers which remove the organic layer of your soil, a habitat for native pollinators and mosquito-eating dragonflies and fireflies;
- Use organics to defeat Japanese beetle grubs and slugs;
- Incorporate native plants into your landscape;
- Aerate your lawn to improve air circulation and water absorption; and
- Test your soil to determine overall soil health and nutrient needs. UNH Extension Service has offered homeowners low-cost testing services since 2005.
For more information, visit the City’s “Think Blue” initiatives and sustainable lawn care page.