Parks & Greenery Department Reminds Private Property Owners to Keep Hedges Trimmed and Sidewalks Clear

July 29, 2024

As the Department of Public Works continues to keep City property clear of obstructions and its lawns and gardens trimmed, the Parks & Greenery Department asks for residents help in keeping sidewalks and roadway sight lines clear.

Private property owners are required by City ordinance to keep the plants and shrubs on their property trimmed so as not to interfere with or obscure public property. This means keeping hedges bordering sidewalks and plants that might obstruct visibility at driveway and road intersections trimmed back. 

“Private property owners would rightly object if Parks and Greenery started trimming back growth on their land,” commented City Arborist Max Wiater. “But they may not realize they are required by City ordinance to maintain their plantings so as not to interfere with the public right of way. Our recommendation is to trim hedges the entire width of the sidewalk and make sure there is 8-feet of overhead clearance. As the team is out daily working on mowing, trimming and watering on City property to sustain our urban forest, we deeply appreciate the assistance we receive from residents in keeping the City beautiful – and safe for pedestrians and motorists alike.”   

Portsmouth sidewalk and hedge