First phase of Islington Street Corridor Project beginning May 20th

Construction work on the first phase of the Islington Street Corridor Project is expected to commence on May 20th. Public Works will be posting details on detour routes, weekly construction activity and more on the project website. The community is also encouraged to sign up for email updates at this site. The project area for the first phase of construction includes Islington Street from Bartlett Street to the Route 1 Bypass.

Sponsored Zagster bike stations now installed and operating

This spring, the City announced the expansion of their Zagster bike share fleet thanks to sponsorships offered by several local businesses; these new stations have now been installed to total ten stations throughout the City. The Kane Company sponsors the Commerce Way station, Chinburg Properties sponsors the Brewery Lane station, and Mark A. McNabb and Peter R.

Household Hazardous Waste Day is Saturday, May 18th

Bring the household hazardous waste products a to the Department of Public Works facility at 680 Peverly Hill Road for safe disposal between 8 a.m. and noon. Residents must show proof of residency. NO LATEX PAINT will be accepted at this collection event. Latex paint may be solidified with kitty litter, sawdust, speedy dry or by opening the can and allowing the paint to completely dry before it is disposed either at the Recycling Center or through regular trash pick-up.