Residents encouraged to review snow parking ban information, sign up for alerts

By signing up for Portsmouth’s CodeRED alerts, you can receive immediate alerts by text and/or email when there is an advanced warning for a snow emergency, a declared parking ban and when a parking ban has been terminated. When an advanced warning for a parking ban is declared, Portsmouth residents can park at the Hanover and Foundry Place garages at a special flat fee rate. From the time there is an advanced warning up until two hours after a parking ban has been terminated, it costs $5 to park at Hanover, and $3 to park at Foundry Place.

November 2018 Water Supply Status Report

Higher than normal precipitation over the past three months have caused the quantity of available groundwater and surface water to be greater than normal for this time of year. The quality of the surface water has greatly improved and stabilized since the dynamic water quality changes that occurred in late September and October. There are currently no water use restrictions in place. We continue to ask our water customers to please use water wisely, minimize waste, and incorporate water efficient fixtures and appliances whenever possible.