Becoming Wolf: Eastern Coyote in New England, Wednesday Feb 28

Myths surround the coyote and cloud our understanding of it. Learn the true story of the eastern coyote – how it lives among us but is rarely seen and how it contributes to keeping our forests and fields healthy. It is a creature of our own making – different from the western coyote in genetics and behavior but with the same superior resilience and adaptability. It has rewilded the northeast with its howl and challenges us to live with and appreciate this small wolf in our presence.

Shakespeare Discussion Group: Cymbeline, Tuesday Feb 27

As the furious winter rages onward, we shall gather close together to discuss the famed tale of Cymbeline! Be it tragedy true, or romance, or even comedy, we shall be its judge in the evening’s fourth hour. Fear you not of your knowledge of Shakespeare’s works, for we encourage fellows of all ages, areas of interest and expertise to attend!

On Tuesday, February 27th at 4 PM we will discuss Measure for Measure in the Hilton Garden Room of the library as well as over Zoom.

Black Heritage Trail Tea Talks: Close to the Edge: Policing and Criminal Justice in New Hampshire, Sunday Feb 25

Social programs of the Great Society were aimed at utilizing relief and social programs to prevent crime. The Law Enforcement Assistance Act of 1965 changed the emphasis from creating jobs as a tool to prevent crime to funneling federal funds to support increased policing. This legislation laid the foundation for high incarceration rates for African Americans and people of color. This trend was further intensified by the establishment of mandatory sentencing laws in the 1980s. This panel will discuss these laws as they pertain to New Hampshire’s criminal justice system.

Film Screening: The Holdovers, Thursday Feb 22

The Holdovers.
2023. Rated R. 133 Minutes. 

From acclaimed director Alexander Payne, The Holdovers follows a curmudgeonly instructor (Paul Giamatti) at a New England prep school who is forced to remain on campus during Christmas break to babysit the handful of students with nowhere to go. Eventually, he forms an unlikely bond with one of them -- a damaged, brainy troublemaker (newcomer Dominic Sessa) -- and with the school's head cook, who has just lost a son in Vietnam (Da'Vine Joy Randolph).

Local History: Shots Not Heard Round the World, Tuesday Feb 20

In December of 1774, a heroic insurrection against the authority and property of King George III punishable by hanging occurred at New Castle, New Hampshire’s Fort William and Mary (later renamed Fort Constitution). The event inexplicably escaped the radar of history and should be rediscovered for its critically important influence on America’s movement for independence.

Guitar Sunday @PMAC Featuring Peter Blanchette, Sunday Feb 18

Peter Blanchette is known around the world as the inventor of the 11-string archguitar. He is a guitarist, composer, arranger, and conductor and has released 17 albums on the Dorian label and his imprint, Archguitar Music. His albums receive heavy radio airplay.   He performs and records in solo recitals and together with Mané Lareggla (of Madrid, Spain) as Archguitar Duo.  Blanchette is a veteran performer who has appeared on NPR’s “A Prairie Home Companion,” and at The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts,

Genealogy Workshop: Research Huddle, Sunday Feb 18

Join us at the library in the Special Collections Room and be part of our Research Huddle! In sports, a huddle is when the players gather in a circle to strategize, motivate, or celebrate. We think genealogists should do the same!

This is the perfect opportunity to dig into your personal history and tell your family’s story. Use the library’s print collections and research databases to progress with your fact-finding. We’ll gather to use library resources, share our successes, learn from fellow researchers, and overcome our research stumbling blocks!