Wildcat Transit Holds Public Hearings on Route 4 Service Reductions




Supplemental construction mitigation funding provided by the Little Bay Bridge project will end June 30, 2020.  After that date, Wildcat Transit will reduce service frequencies on Route 4 (Portsmouth-Newington-Durham)  during both full and reduced service periods.

Two public hearings are scheduled to receive rider feedback on the anticipated service reductions:

Health Department creates webpage dedicated to coronavirus information

A novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was identified in December as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, and which continues to expand. Cases have been identified in the United States, as well as many other countries. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and State and local health departments, including the New Hampshire (NH) Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Division of Public Health Services’ (DPHS), are monitoring this rapidly developing situation.

2020 Census Information

What is the Census?

The United States Constitution requires a count every 10 years of every person who is residing in the U.S., regardless of immigration status or citizenship. The Census Bureau's goal for the 2020 Census is to "count everyone once, only once, and in the right place."