COAST Bus Service Temporarily Suspended for COVID Emergency

As of March 31, 2020, COAST has temporarily suspended all fixed route service. The suspension of service will remain in place until May 4 and may be extended if the pandemic conditions warrant. COAST will continue to operate paratransit services for those individuals who qualify under the various programs of this type that COAST operates (ADA, Portsmouth Senior Transportation, Community Rides, and accessible rides for Ready Rides).

DPW Warns "Wipes Clog Pipes"

Portsmouth DPW Water and Sewer Department officials are asking residents to please refrain from flushing anything other than toilet tissue in their toilets. This is true at all times, but especially now as many are wiping down surfaces with disinfectant. Sanitizing wipes, paper towels and baby wipes should never be flushed down the toilet as they do not dissolve the way toilet tissue does and instead cause blockages and backups in your home and the City’s sewer system.