City now accepting applications to fill Police Commission vacancy

Mayor Becksted has announced that he anticipates appointing a Blue Ribbon Committee to recommend to the City Council a replacement to fill the vacancy on the Police Commission.That position will be filled as soon as possible because the Police Commission will be unable to act until the vacancy is filled  Anyone interested in being considered to fill the vacancy on the Police Commission submit a resume and cover letter with the City Clerk by no later than Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.


Karen Conard, appointed Acting City Manager as of December 16, 2019, assumed the role of City Manager on January 3, 2020. She arrived in Portsmouth from having served as Executive Director of the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission, located in Haverhill, MA.  Ms. Conard holds a B.A. in Political Science and French from Duke University. To read her full biography in the announcement of her selection, click here.

Methuen Construction Meets December 31, 2019 Milestone for Substantial Completion of New Treatment Process for Peirce Island Wastewater Treatment Facility

Portsmouth, New Hampshire -- The City of Portsmouth is pleased to report that the general contractor for the Peirce Island Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade project, Methuen Construction, met the December 31, 2019 milestone to achieve substantial completion of the Biological Aerated Filter (BAF), the central component of the new wastewater treatment process.