Construction Impacts
Hanover Garage
The High Street Stairs and the Hanover Street Stairs have both reopened. The High Street Elevator remains operational during the construction. Anticipated reopening is March 10, 2025. The Hanover Garage is in year two of a three-year renovation. Questions? Contact the Parking Office at 603-610-7257. Go to the Hanover Garage Project page for more information.
Islington Street Phase 2B
Seasonal construction resumes on Monday, April 7, 2025. The construction on this final portion of Phase 2 of the project covers from Dover Street to Middle Street, including reconstruction of the Islington-Congress-Middle-Maplewood intersection and a small portion of State Street behind the Consolidated Communications building. One-lane alternating traffic will be in place on Islington Street to accommodate contractor operations. Flaggers and project personnel will be on site to facilitate traffic flow. By the end of the summer season, all portions of the Islington St project should be complete. For the project overview: March 19, 2024 public meeting presentation and video recording, additional background information and to sign up to receive weekly updates on the project when it starts, visit the project page.
Bartlett Street Project
The final work on this project (to place the final pavement, roadway striping, raised crosswalk at Pine Street, raised intersection at Thornton Street, touch up the loam and re-seed) is currently being scheduled with the Contractor with an anticipated start later this Spring. The Morning Street scope of work is currently on HOLD and will be reevaluated along with future phases of work in the Creek Neighborhood. During the week of March 31, 2025 DPW Urban Forest crews will be planting new trees along the Bartlett Street corridor as part of the City’s annual planting program. For the March 27, 2024 public meeting presentation and video recording, additional background information and to sign up to receive weekly updates on the project when it starts, visit the project page.
Maplewood Avenue Bridge Project
Starting Monday, April 7, 2025, Maplewood Avenue Bridge WILL AGAIN BE CLOSED TO VEHICLES to finish utility upgrades and to replace the roadbed and north side sidewalks and railings. The bridge will remain closed through mid-June. Once the north side of the bridge is finished, the current plan is to open one lane of the bridge for traffic heading toward downtown for the balance of the bridge work as the contractor replaces the sidewalks and railings on the south side. The current schedule shows the bridge work being complete in early November. Pedestrians and cyclists (walking their bikes) will have access across the bridge on whatever side is not currently under construction. For detour options, the meeting presentation, design plans, additional background and to sign up to receive weekly updates on the project when it starts, visit the project page.
Union Street Project
MAC construction will return on April 26, 2025 for the completion of catch basins and sidewalks. Final paving of Union Street (State to Middle), Coffins Court, and the remaining driveways is anticipated in May. For more information in the April 2, 2024 meeting presentation and video recording and to sign up to receive weekly updates on the project when it starts, visit the project page.
Willard Avenue Project
Seasonal construction will resume Monday, April 7. Granese Construction is returning to install drainage at the dead-end of Ash Street, curbing, sidewalks, and to final pave the roads. A public information meeting on the 2025 project work is scheduled for Wednesday, April 2 in the DPW Training Room, 680 Peverly Hill Road at 6 pm and via Zoom. For the April 17 Preconstruction meeting presentation and video recording, more information and to sign up for future email updates, visit the project page.
Sagamore Avenue Project
Utility pole transfers, curbing and final pavement is anticipated this spring. In addition, the plan is to construct a new sidewalk along the NHDOT roadway of Sagamore Avenue from approximately 1171 Sagamore Avenue to Odiorne Point Road. For details go to the meeting recording and minutes. For more information, visit the project page.
Middle/Miller/Summer Street Intersection Signals
Construction will be ongoing between April and November as long lead-time signal equipment is delivered. Electric Light is the contractor. For more information, visit the project page.
Spring Hydrant Flushing
Routine hydrant flushing that takes place each spring will start on Monday April 14, 2025. Flushing takes approximately 6 weeks as crews rotate through the hydrant network between 7 and 11 pm, Monday through Thursday evenings. A City DPW truck will flashing yellow lights is the signal for work in the immediate area. Residents are advised to run cold water through the tap if any discoloration lingers after the hydrant flushing as sediment gets disturbed as the water is flushed through the pipes.
Work to install the sound wall continues. Exit 7 southbound onto I-95 from Market Street will be closed from mid-April to June for construction related to the project. Governor Sununu and the Executive Council at their September 25, 2024 meeting authorized the NH Department of Transportation (NHDOT) to enter into a contract with Northeast Earth Mechanics, LLC of Pittsfield, NH for the construction of sound abatement walls and privacy fencing along I-95 in Portsmouth. The contract amount is $18,771,486.75. For full details and background visit the project page.
NH Department of Transportation (NH DOT) hosted a public information meeting on its Lafayette Road (Route 1) Corridor Improvement Project on November 18, 2024 as a City Council Work Session. For background visit the Project Website (Portsmouth 29640) with the full US Route 1 Corridor Plan. NH DOT also advises that anyone with comments or concerns about this project should contact David Smith, P.E. - Project Manager, NH Department of Transportation | P.O. Box 483, Concord NH 03302