Marjorie Street Pumping Station
NOTICE: A temporary water shut-off was completed on Monday, Dec 16. If there is discoloration in the water, please run the COLD water for 10-15 minutes to clear it.
This project involves building a small new wastewater pumping station, which will provide services within the Marjorie Street and Sylvester Street area. In addition to the pump station construction, the project includes the construction of a new sewer force main which will direct flow up Marjorie Street and into the existing sewer system on Essex Avenue. This project is eligible for State financial assistance through the Wastewater State Aid Grant (SAG) funding program.
For the Marjorie Street Pump Station & Force Main layout, click here.
A Public Preconstruction Meeting was held on April 23, 2024, on-site at the pumping station at the end of Marjorie Street.
For the presentation to the Planning Board on July 15, 2021, click here.
Start: September 30, 2024
Substantial completion: December 31, 2024
Final completion: January 31, 2025
Estimated construction cost: $1,846,860.47 (Sewer Enterprise Fund)
Design Engineer: Wright Pierce
Contractor: Albanese D&S, Inc.
Project Manager:
Christine Sproviero, Project Manager
Office: (603) 766-1755