Mechanic Street Pump Station Upgrade
The City conducted a feasibility study kickoff meeting with the consultants and representatives from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services on September 10, 2024. At this point in the feasibility study, multiple future options are under consideration. The City expects to present ideas and solicit public feedback in early 2025.
The Mechanic Street Wastewater Pumping Station is the largest in the City. The City developed a Pump Station Master Plan to perform limited upgrades. Pump failures and flooding events required temporary pump installation and repairs in 2023 that underscore the need for a comprehensive replacement and upgrade program.
The City has contracted with the team of AECOM and Underwood Engineers to complete a feasibility study for a full facility replacement. The study is estimated to take 3-5 months (Aug-Dec 2024) to complete and will identify siting options and capacity needs for a new facility. The City anticipates to present concepts to the City Council and the community in early 2025 before moving forward with the project.
Project (EF-13-SD-97):
Project Status: Feasibility Study underway.
Estimated Cost: FY25 CIP Design Phase Costs: $4 Million. FY27 Construction Phase Costs: $21 Million.
Funding Source: The City is exploring State and Federal funding sources