Middle/Summer/Miller Intersection
This project includes the realignment of the intersection to provide safer, slower travel and better sight distance. The plan is to replace the existing outdated traffic signal equipment with a new signal that meets current design standards. New mast arms, signal heads, pedestrian signals, accessible curb ramps, signal detection and signal controller will be included. Modifications to the pavement markings and lanes are also proposed.
This project and the three design alternatives was discussed at the November 29, 2023 Parking & Traffic Safety Committee meeting. Go to the P&TS meeting packet for details. Go to the design concepts.
Status: The project is currently in design, based on the Parking and Traffic Safety Committee meeting decision on November 29, 2023.
Estimated time of Completion: Final Design completed in Winter 2023-24, with construction in 2024, depending on funding.
Estimated Cost: Design: $55,000. Construction: $550,000
Designer/Contractor: Sebago Technics, Inc.
Project Manager:
Eric Eby
City Engineer – Parking, Transportation, and Planning